Exploring Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Occluded Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey and Comparative Analysis
DeepFace, Face Recognition, FaceNet, FisherFace, Occluded Face Recognition, Obstructed Face RecognitionAbstract
Face recognition occluded by occlusions, such as glasses or shadows, remains a challenge in many security and surveillance applications. This study aims to analyze the performance of various machine learning and deep learning techniques in face recognition scenarios with occlusions. We evaluate KNN (standard and FisherFace), CNN, DenseNet, Inception, and FaceNet methods combined with a pre-trained DeepFace model using three public datasets: YALE, Essex Grimace, and Georgia Tech. The results show that KNN maintains the highest accuracy, reaching 100% on two datasets (Essex Grimace and YALE), even in the presence of occlusions. Meanwhile, CNN shows strong performance, with accuracy remaining 100% on YALE, both with and without occlusions, although its performance drops slightly on Essex Grimace (94% with occlusion). DenseNet and Inception show a more significant drop in accuracy when faced with occlusion, with DenseNet dropping from 81% to 72% on Essex Grimace and Inception dropping from 100% to 92% on the same dataset. FaceNet + DeepFace excels on more large dataset (Georgia Tech) with 98% accuracy, but its performance drops dramatically to 53% and 70% on Essex Grimace and YALE with occlusion. These findings indicate that while deep learning methods show high accuracy under ideal conditions, machine learning methods such as KNN are more flexible and robust to occlusion in face recognition.
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